About India

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What is India?

India, a nation that makes up the majority of South Asia. New Delhi, the nation's capital and administrative hub, was constructed in the 20th century south of Old Delhi, the city's historic centre. Its population, which is made up of thousands of different ethnic groups and probably hundreds of different languages, is governed by a constitutional republic that serves a very diverse population. India, which follows China as the most populous nation, has around one-sixth of the world's population.

How did India got freedom?

After years of struggle, India was emancipated from British colonial domination in 1947. Mohandas Gandhi, well known as Mahatma Gandhi, joined the struggle in 1914 and used his satyagraha strategy of nonviolent resistance to lead the nation to freedom. He urged Indians to boycott British products, forego paying taxes to the British government, and participate in nonviolent marches and protests. Even though Gandhi attracted millions of supporters, other individuals engaged in the struggle for freedom in other ways. Indians from the wealthier classes who had a higher level of education choose to petition the government by submitting letters that called for India's independence. Many others still turned to violence to make their voices heard during World War II, while others expressed their feelings by siding with Britain's adversaries.Britain finally gave in and announced India's independence as well as its division into two countries, India and Pakistan, after suffering during the war.